Wine Education

Educate yourself at Home

Select three bottles for the Flavour Profile for Riesling. This will give you an opportunity to learn more about the wines you enjoy.

Evaluating Wine Quality for Judging is a spot check for each wine you taste along with learning about what the medals mean.

SCORING WINE IN AUSTRALIA is a fun exercise you can do with mates on three wines, preferably masked.

Enjoy and learn as you go.

Varietal Wine Styles

At the April 2011 Club night Wine Challenge, quiz master, Bruce Humphery-Smith, handed out a ‘cheat sheet’ to assist members and guests to better identify many of the more frequently encountered varietals.

CLICK HERE for the ‘cheat sheet’

 Wine Flaws and “Good” Wine Aromas

Some interesting articles have been found on which gives some helpful information about wine flaws and the aromas which are tell tale signs along with some helpful information about ‘good’ aromas.

CLICK HERE for the articles


Coming soon – Information on wine courses available, functions, grants. winemaking articles and industry updates.